Gene Co-expression
Obtain global view on the lncRNA co-expression in various human cancers.
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Biological Network
Explore the precomputed 110 lncRNA co-expression networks in pan-cancer level.
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Cancer genes
The comprehensive collection of cancer genes from 10 data sources.
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lncRNA tissue specificity
Find out what is the tissue specificity for a lncRNA with expression profiles from normal and cancer tissues.
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lnCaNet database
lnCaNet is committed to establishing a comprehensive regulatory network resource for lncRNA and cancer genes. It includes:
- Comprehensive cancer gene list
- Pre-computed gene co-expression between lncRNA and cancer genes
- Pan-cancer lncRNA expression network
- Common and unique lncRNA-cancer gene interaction
News and forthcoming changes
- Gene annotation were added to lnCaNet.
- lncRNA expression were added to lnCaNet.
Number of genes in lnCaNet
- 2544 human cancer genes from 10 data sources.
- 9641 human lncRNAs across 11 cancer types.
- 110 precomputed lncRNAs-cancer gene networks for pan-cancer analysis.